Volunteers and Committees
Do you want to help but don't know where to start? We have opportunities that can fit any schedule.
Or email us at PTOWoertherElementary@gmail.com
Schoolwide PTO Volunteer Opportunities:
Ernie the Eagle Mascot -
Parents will have the opportunity to dress up as our new school Mascot at various school events. Our students absolutely LOVE Eddie and will love you for encouraging school spirit!
5th Grade Activities -
The 5th Grade Activities Committee works closely with the 5th-grade teachers to select, plan, and implement the year's 5th-grade activities, including class t-shirts, quarterly surprises, Recognition Night, memory video, Day at New Ballwin park, and 5th-grade class gift. Be sure to get involved to make your student's last year at Woerther an exciting and memorable one.
Picture Days -
Three volunteers and one backup volunteer are needed on picture day to collect order packets, keep lines moving, comb hair and straighten collars. You may sign up for ONE SLOT ONLY in either fall or spring, on a first-come, first-served basis.
Grade Level Parties -
Look for opportunities to help with grade-level parties from your classroom room parent or grade level liaison. Typically, we have one party in the fall and in the spring
Scholastic Book Fairs -
Two Book Fairs are held during Parent/Teacher Conference Week in October and March. Proceeds from the book fair allow the PTO to stock up on books for Woerther classrooms and the library. On the Wednesday before the fair, we need volunteers to set up book displays and tag books for Accelerated Reader. We also need volunteers to assist with classroom previews on the Thursday and Friday before the fair. During fair week, we need help running the cash registers and assisting students and families. (Monday-Thursday during the day and Tuesday/Wednesday during conferences). On the final day of the fair, we will need help taking down displays, boxing books to return to Scholastic, and tidying up the lobby. This is a long two weeks and we need all the volunteers we can get to help prepare for and staff the fair.
Staff Buffets -
This committee provides dinner for the teachers on the Tuesday evening of parent/teacher conferences in October and March. Volunteers are needed to donate beverages, paper products, and food items. Volunteers are also needed to set up for the event, serve at the buffet, and clean up.
Trunk-or-Treat -
This committee is responsible for planning a fall candy exchange to take place in the closed parking lot of Selvidge Middle School. There will be prizes awarded for “Best-Decorated Vehicle”. Volunteers are needed to plan and staff this event. Duties at the event may include set up, parking assistants, vehicle judging, and clean up.
TJ's Pizza Sales -
Woerther is doing the TJ's Pizza fundraiser again this year! Woerther will receive 40% of the profit from this fundraiser.
Adult Trivia Night -
Join the committee to plan this fun event. The committees will help plan the trivia questions and activities, food and beverage, volunteer coordination, and classroom raffle baskets. We also need help setting up and cleaning up on the day of the event.
Classroom Level Volunteer Opportunites
PTO / Parent Grade Level Liaison -
We are seeking one parent from each grade level to be a personal connection between the parents in that grade and PTO board. This will be a dual relationship in which the needs of the grade will be represented to the board and the needs of the board will be communicated to the parents. Opportunities for grade level liaisons usually happen in the spring for the following year.
Classroom Parent Coordinator (Room Parent) -
You will be the point of contact for the teacher and parents. You will communicate the dates & times of academic celebrations, discuss plans and assist the Coordinators during the school year. You will be responsible to make sure that all the celebrations and activities are assigned to a parent or yourself to the coordinator. A Room Parent meeting will be held on August 30th to provide Room Parents with all the necessary information needed for the school year.
Junior Achievement Parent Helper -
Junior Achievement is an organization that helps to teach financial literacy to kids through fun and interactive lessons. The lessons are fully prepared by JA, and the volunteer uses the packet of materials and lessons to teach the kids important concepts about business and community economics. A Volunteer is needed to help with the JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM. This would include attending a 20-minute JA meeting at school to get your materials, setting up a schedule with your teacher for 4-5 sessions in the classroom over a 4-5 week period, and preparing for your classroom discussion for each of those weeks on the topics/materials provided. There will be an informal meeting with our JA contact. She will hand out the packet of materials, quickly go through it, and answer any questions. A business background is not necessary. All materials and the orientation are provided by the Junior Achievement organization. The JA PTO Chairperson will contact you to organize the meeting/training.
Teacher Appreciation Week Coordinator -
(April/May) – Each class celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week and will need the Room Parent or a parent volunteer to coordinate activities for this week. This year we are going to make some changes, so you have the chance to bring your ideas. There will be a meeting during the school year so be sure to check your Alert News.
Teacher Appreciation Week Coordinator for the Specialty Teachers -
(April/May) – We want all of the teachers and staff to feel appreciated for all of their hard work during the school year. We are asking for volunteers to sign up to help with coordinating activities during Teacher Appreciation Week for the specialty teachers (PE, Art, Music, etc.) The PTO Liaison for Staff Appreciation will email you closer to Teacher Appreciation Week.