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Woerther Elementary

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Dedicated to developing responsible citizens and productive, lifelong learners within a nurturing environment.

School Nurse

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Your School Nurse

Cindy Kitchen

Cindy Kitchen


In Rockwood, the primary role of the school nurse is to support student learning. School nurses accomplish this by promoting student and staff health and safety.  School nurses have an important role in serving our school community:

  • Health Services: your nurse serves as the coordinator of the health services program and provides nursing care
  • Education: your nurse provides health education to students, staff and parents.Learn more about health and safety guidelines
  • Healthy Environment: your nurse identifies health and safety concerns in the school environment
  • Counseling: your nurse provides health counseling and refers students to appropriate school staff or community agencies
  • Parent/Community Involvement: your nurse promotes community involvement by ensuring a healthy school.
  • Staff Wellness: your nurse provides health education and counseling, promote healthy activities and environment for school staff